A move to electric vehicles in India will be far from “green”, and ignores existing technologies which could be less disruptive and more useful.
Since coming to power the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has announced one green energy effort to begin (doing something) after the other. One by one, however, these have turned out to be pieces of misleading information that have succeeded only in drawing attention away from technologies that can deliver the needed/demanded non-(something in a rock that lived a long time ago/old, outdated thing) fuel energy.
His first commitment, to set up 100,000 MW of solar power creating ability (to hold or do something) by 2022 has got off to a slow start. 2,133 MW of creating ability (to hold or do something) was added in 2015, and a little under 4,000 MW in 2016. Around 10,000 MW is now under construction and will come on stream by the end of next year. That will still leave another 84,000 MW to be built in the next four years. The job is not impossible, so the government has raised its solar power target to 250,000 MW by 2030 but the hit/effect these will have on is not known for sure.