DID- Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative identity disorder or DID, also known as multiple personality disorder or MPD, is a type of complex psychological condition in which an individual starts to live different characters and consider himself/herself as that character. These imagined character doesn't exist actually, they are just the creation of patient's mind. And it can be observed in any age group, from child to an old age person.
Occurence:- This condition is not that much common. It is very rare in countries like India, less than 1 lakh peoples per year, are diagnosed with this disorder. However, it is very much different as well as threatening than the other common behavioral or emotional or psychological disorders.
Causes:- The list of its causes is too long. But few of the most common are as follows: physical abuse, emotional trauma, shock, sexual abuse, etc. It is rare in children but is developed due to some of these factors, from which they have suffered in their childhood or are currently suffering.