education is primary step of success

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This is about education . how does education changes the world . how it allow us to improve our lifestyle and how to live a life with peace.


     We don't need to explain anyone how does education change the live. Actually how does education change the world. The primary key of successing in any field is learning . if we get knowlegde of particular subject we coould be the expert in that . But before learn anything we have to be educated , educated in basic things like our native languages, English and simple mathematics also. Learning is a part of education but wee consider education in wrong term education deos't mean about collecting degrees but it's all about developing skills. We have to change the defination of "EDUCATION" in eyes of our new generation. 




  • What is the real meaning of education ? 

            Education does not mean to complete your school/college and passing all your exams getting graduated and achieve degree. Education is never mean to be degree it always relate to developing skills weather in particular field or in several field but misunderstanding the meaning of real education never help you to achieve your dreams and getting financially stable in life. No matter how many degrees you have or how much you spend time to collect them but if you dont have knowledge than nothing matters here.


  • Why do we get to educate ?

              Can anybody get financially stable without learning about any work and doing nothing even to know about counting and learning new language we need to learn first . Suppose you starts a work at some book store still you have to learn their first how to organize books, how to cover up books, how to sell books, how to understand whats our customer want to buy, etc. so before doing anything we have to gain knowledge of that thing first and than learn that particular skills. we need to get educated before being expert in any field.


  • Conclusion 

            there is no earning and method of success except getting formal education and complete education in any particular field in which you are interested of. Explore your seld with daily learning and " EDUCATION IS THE FIRST STEP TO GET SUCCESSFUL IN YOUR LIFE ". Weather its financial, spritual and any kind. Don't confuse your self and starts learning and hustling.



Mukul Tiwari 4 yrs

great work