The Dating Game

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WARNING: Do not use this content at home with your partner, you will get dumped.

Humans are the most dominant and advanced species on Earth. We have created concepts like time and money, built colossal monuments, various modes of tansport and communication and have been to space, left man-made objects to float around in its vast emptiness, even set foot on the moon, but there is still one thing we have yet to master-dating.

 Dating is defined by wikipedia as "a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship. It is a form of courtship." In earlier times, when two people were dating, one could make the assumption that they were assesing each other as potential marraige partners. Nowadays though the concept of dating has evolved into a complex structure. We have our regular relationships, we have intra gender dating, casual dating, unoffical dating(dont even get me started on that one), blind dating and I could probably go on and on. Obviously most of these types have existed throughout our history but its only recently that we have started naming them. In this entry though I shall focus on dating between men and women because it is a concept I understand best. 

As an individual in a relationship myself, I can safely say that dating is nothing more than a game. It is a no holds barrel competition to be the better half. All this happens subconsciously though. Which makes matter even more interesting. At this point you may be thinking, what is this guy talking about? To that I say, let me give you an example before you call me crazy; Say A and B are in a relationship. It is A's birthday today. B gets him a watch, it is an expensive watch. A is lost for words because he loves the watch. A few months later, its B's birthday. A gets her a Zara dress and shoes, a Swarovski pendant and a home-made gift. B loves the gifts, but inside she feels terrible because she only got A a watch and he got her so much. He even made her a gift. A knows this. He is smiling, not because she is so happy but because he knows that she knows that the gifts he got her were better than what she got him. Advantage A. For now, he is the better half, until he forgets their 17 month anniversary and she attacks him with a personalised Vodka Shot-glass. Game, B. #beenthere if you have felt this way too. (Everybody has, so don't go around saying that 2 people who truly love each other dont think this way. It's all a game.)

You snooze, you lose. What does that mean with respect to dating? Bad partners get dumped. There are 3.8 billion men and 3.7 billion women on Earth, availability of partners is NOT an issue. In this game, you have to make your partner happier than others can. There is no quantitative measure of this happiness. It's all relative. Each partner of yours will measure this happiness differently too. You have to figure out what is their requirement and how much they require. The other single men and women are all around you and your partner, waiting for an opportunity to steal him/her. To put it in gaming words. You are in a battlefield, you have a GOLD COIN that must be protected from your enemies at all costs. The enemies are just waiting for a slip up on your end to snatch the Coin from you. The coin itself has certain demands that must be met. The catch is that if you cannot meet these demands the coin will automatically flee to whoever can. Also, even if you do meet the requirements of the Coin but one of your enemies also does, the coin may choose the enemy over you. 




Aryan Sanghvi 4 yrs


Viviana Aranha 4 yrs

Lol! Love this xD