What is search engine optimisation?

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SEO is an approach that companies take to improve their visibility on search engines specifically, and you’ll know about Google, Bing, Yahoo. So now that we know what SEO is about, it’s important to understand why companies will adopt such a strategy. So one of the reasons is to make s

Hi. My name is Mohit jain so first let’s start off by try to understand what search engine optimisation is about, which is also known as SEO. SEO is an approach that companies take to improve their visibility on search engines specifically, and you’ll know about Google, Bing, Yahoo. So now that we know what SEO is about, it’s important to understand why companies will adopt such a strategy. So one of the reasons is to make sure that their website is found on search engines like Google. The other is to increase traffic to their websites.

And the third one is to ensure that they can attract customers to the site without the need to pay for them. So now that we know three of the ways that companies use search engine optimisation for, what does this mean for the company? Well what it means is that one, it could increase sales. Two, it could increase engagement. And three, very importantly, is that the production of new content will also be visible and found through search engine optimisation. So hopefully now you understand what SEO is and why companies adopt the SEO strategy. Now it’s time to give you some interesting and fun facts about SEO.

So the first interesting fact is that 18% of searchers click on the first organic search link. The second interesting fact is that 93% of all online experiences begin with search. The third interesting fact is that 75% of searches don’t go past the first page of search results. The fourth interesting fact is that approximately 75% of searchers ignored the paid links, the sponsored links, the ones on the top and on the right hand side, and clicked straight on the organic links. The fifth and final interesting fact is that there are over 3.5 billion searches carried out every day. That’s the equivalent of half the population of the world.

OK, hopefully by now you would have understood what SEO is about and had some interesting facts around SEO. Now we want to talk about rankings and how to improve your rankings.




