Tips to practice mindfulness

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This article talks about the importance of practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of the situations  that surround us. It can be achieved by focusing in the present. It is the practice of maintaining awareness through a gentle, calm and nurturing point of view while paying attention to experiences.

Here are some great ways to be more mindful:

  • Meditate: Meditation can help you overcome and eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, and pretty much evrerything that is keeping you from being happy. It has been proved that the practice of meditation, carried out on a regular basis, will prevent and control the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Even 5 minutes of mindful meditation a day can help you feel more conscious and connected for the rest of your day.
  • Repeat positive affirmations: Repeating a few positive affirmations can turn negative thought patterns into positive ones and helps you be more mindful. Affirmations can also motivate you and boost your self-confidence. Repeat your affirmations atleast once a day. Some affirmations are: "I am worthy", "I deserve to have a good day", "I am beautiful", "I am capable of doing great things" and so on.
  • Focus on the present moment: If you want to be a more mindful person, it is important for you to let go of the past and stop worrying about the future and just be present in the current moment. Do not let your past imprison you from what you can achieve with your present. Give yourself the time and space to heal first, and once you feel things are getting better, move on to better things!
  • Slow down: We are sometimes so fixed about being productive and getting the most out of our days and seldom realise that our bodies are not machines. It is important to stop working yourself out physically and mentally and just take a break - be in listening to soothing music or relaxing, soak in a warm bath or just do whatever it takes to just calm down.
  • Eat mindfully: Try eating your meal without watching the TV or scrolling social media feeds, pay attention to the taste and texture of the food you're consuming and enjoy what you’re eating. Mindful eating can even prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and also ensure good digestion. Appreciate your meal, take small bites and chew thoroughly.
  • Exercise: Too often we exercise to lose weight, we need to excercise mindfully as well. We need something to hold onto. Having a purpose will give you something to focus on and work for and, therefore, something you can feel great about. If you find yourself rushing through a workout, think of all the things you should be doing instead, remember why it's important for you to do your workout and why you started in the first place. Reflect on why you decided to make exercise a priority and how this workout will help you at present.
  • Spend time with nature: Spending some time outdoors will make you appreciate all the beautiful things that God has created. Everything in nature is inspiring. It also helps you be more relaxed and active. It is great for your mental and physical wellbeing and boosts immunity and brain functions.
  • Reading: Reading puts our brains into a state similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels and anxiety, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers. Reading also helps you loosen your muscles. Reading is more effective in relieving stress than listening to music, sipping tea and taking a walk.

Mindfulness is being aware of the present, a moment-by-moment focus. It’s not something we are never taught in schools, but many of the techniques may be things you already do. There isn’t one right way to practice mindfulness. It’s not time-consuming at all, so it is easy to incorporate into our everyday lives. Mindfulness can be practised simultaneously with our everyday tasks. It’s a skill that is extremely beneficial and only takes minimal effort to practice.

Mindfulness is all about controlling our mind, emotions and body. Understanding these properly makes the use of mindfulness simpler and easier. 

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. We fill our minds with the worries of life, filled with noise and disturbances. Our days may sometimes get very exhausting. It is important to not let this affect your happiness, health, education, work, and well-being.

Nowadays, we hear a lot of people talk about mindfulness and mindfulness therapies. Interest in mindfulness is growing day by day because people are looking for ways to cope with challenges, complications, and frustrations in their lives. With different mental health issues sprouting all around us and stress topping the list of life problems, people are turning to mindfulness as a counteragent to all the multitasking, thinking and struggling. Mindfulness can help relieve your everyday stress, risks of heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain,  improve sleeping paterns, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties and improve your overall mental health.

So, make sure to practice 5 minutes of mindful meditation everyday. You could also make use of some guided meditation apps to help you get started. Also, why eating your next meal - take your time, taste and enjoy your meal. Spare some time and spend it with nature, observe the birds, animals, plants and flowers. Nature can be a great teacher. Let your mind wander towards the right thoughts and dwell on them, focus on your breath and evaluate your energy. Think about how you can make the world a better place and focus on personal fulfillment.

