With PC comes versatility. One can be as overclocked or as budget as they want. You can tinker much easier, and you'll spend a lot of time with your machine. PC is for those who have free time and wish to spend that with their machine as much as with their games.
Consoles are less like that. What you have is probably what your neighbor has. This can be a good thing: games are better suited to your machine. Since the developers know exactly what their target machine is, they can fit their games around those specifications. This creates a nice balance of quality and affordability.
Now, which specific console is where it gets tricky? The user interface of the PlayStation is of much higher quality (subjectively). It's easier to navigate, and setting up an account is much smoother. You don't want to have to fiddle with their crazy setup while playing in windows.
But on the other hand people prefer Xbox's controllers. They fit nicely in hands, and there is no need of readjusting the positioning often. Overall you need to find what you enjoy best. If you're ready to fine-tune your gaming experience to exactly what you want, go PC.