Potential sign of life on Venus

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The new discovery of phosphine on Venus could support the possibility that the planet could or can sustain life.

The finding of phosphine in the atmosphere of the planet serves as a sign of life and could gain the attention of scientists to the planet which was overlooked in the search of another life form.

Venus, often called Earth#39;s twin, is named after the Roman goddess of beauty. Its one of the brightest objects in the night sky. The planet is covered with clouds containing droplets of sulphuric acid and heats up to a temperature of hundred degrees.

Scientists have explored all possible options to explain the amount of phosphine detected in the atmosphere including the phenomena lightning, volcanic eruptions and even meteorites. Though none can explain the presence of the gas. They suggested that the gas could result from unknown and unexplained atmospheric or geological processes. Most phosphine in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by living microbes. So the possibility of life on Venus producing phosphine can’t be ignored.

Many Scientists believe that Venus once had the right atmosphere and was covered in water and could sustain life. This discovery of gas on the planet will fuel the further search of extraterrestrial life.
