Workers and employment

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People are engaged in different fields to earn their livelihood

work is defined as participation in a productive activity. Such participation may be physical and mental in nature. It even includes part time work or full time work on farm,in family enterprise or in any other economic activity. All persons engaged in work are workers.

Why do people work? Work is essential to provide the basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, and etc.., for substances. It brings monetary and spritual rewards. Work allows us to support ourselves and our dependents. Work helps us to become a productive member of the socity. It enhances human welfare and human relation.

Here we can quote Basavanna "Kayakave Kailasa" in kannada means work is worship . The study of working people gives us clear understanding regarding quality, quantity,nature and structure of employment in our country. This information helps us in the estimation and utilisation of our natural and human resources.

The entire spectrum of human activities and into two categories they are:

  • Economic activities
  • Non- Economic activities

Any activities that result in the production of goods and services that add value to the national product is considerded as an economic activity.

Let us take an example. A farmer produces sugar cane. This sugar  can becomes sugar infactory. Lorries carry this sugar to the market. Traders sell this sugar to the customers. So production, distribution , exchange and  consumption of sugar to are the economic activities 


Populationis a total number of people residing in a particular area  at a particular point of time. Labour force is a segment of nations population. Labour refers to the people who are working or seeking a job or searching a job or both in period of indicates the supply labour in the country. The relaible estimation of rural-urban, male-female labour force is important for framing policy and economic planning.

As per the labour bureau-Annual report 2011-12 "labour force participation rate" (LFPR) is defined as the number of person in the labour force per 1000 persons. It is one of the important labour force parameyers.

It can be calculated as:

LFPR= No.of employed persons+no. Of unemployment persons×1000

So it is the number of people who either emplpyed or activity searching work ( unemployed) for every 1000 persons. It depends upon age, gender, rural-urban composition of population. LFPR is an important indicator, which helps us to measure , analyse and understand the employment condition in the nation.

Workers population ratio is anthor important parameter of work force. It is defined as the number of employed persons per 1000 persons. It can be calculated as

WPR=Number of employed peesons×1000

WPR can also be calculated by deducting unemployment person from labour force paeticipation rate. This is also used ti find the number of people contributing to the production of goods and services in a countries population. If the ratio is more it indicates that more number of people are working. If the ratio is low it indicates less number of people





