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Ever since from the childhood we are lurking over and around the institution in order to get into a fancy world of job. We all want all aspect of our life to be fulfilled. The main motive is to get a optimum amount of life what we cherished.

What makes us get employed? Ever since from the childhood we are lurking over and around the institution in order to get into a fancy world of job. We all want all aspect of our life to be fulfilled. The main motive is to get a optimum amount of life what we cherished. EMPLOYMENT is a relationship between two parties usually based a contract where work is paid. Employees work in return to get paid. But worthwhile we also face challenges, it's quite often to face as in we are in competition but moreover employment has its own aspect of category. Where is shown expect to work on a table corner from nine to five but there are still people to earn for a living. Between mass unemployment, poor working condition, wage gaps, discrimination and concerns, finding a job can be a challenge and having one does not guarantee decent living conditions. As I mentioned above some earn for their livelihood and hence the working condition or event job security doesn't really affect them. 


Increasing decent employment


Poor working condition are the main global employment challenge. The scope of problem is particularly demonstrated in the statistics that billions of people currently hold informal jobs. This result in a number of problems including lack of social protection, extended hours, the ability to be fired without notice or severance pay and dangerous working condition among others. 


Improving youth employment


Indeed worldwide more than one out of five young people under the age of 25 are without occupation meaning that they are unemployed. This is particularly alarming that because youth employment is a vicious cycle.


Achieving gender equality in work space


The gap between men and women is one of the greatest social injustice. On an average a woman with same skills and responsibilities earns 20% less than a man. Facilitating women’s participation in economic life however is essential in helping them have control of their lives. And the community has everything to gain. "If women were to achieve the same labour force participation rate as men our GDP (gross domestic product) would jump by 26 points globally point out a study by McKinsey global institutes.


Bringing child labour to an end


The figure is overwhelming that millions of children worldwide are still forced to work of those 73 million are assigned to dangerous task. The majority of child labour results from a combination of poor standard of living for the families and social norms. This work not only threatens the health and education of children, but also deprives them of their childhood and opportunities for a decent life as adults.


Aside of all the problems let’s bring our eyes to the current situation as covid-19 spread is economically challenging for many people, changing day today life in unprecedented ways. All sections of society including employees and employers should play a role to protect themselves and help to prevent further spread of the disease.

We all set some expectations to our future and in order to make everything happen we all are chasing dreams.

