Experience the Pure Power of Manuka Honey MGO 850+ 250g

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Manuka Honey MGO 850+ 250g is a premium-grade honey sourced from the pristine forests of Australia. It is renowned for its exceptional quality and high MGO content, making it a highly sought-after natural remedy.

Honey, the golden nectar produced by bees, has been a cherished food source for millennia. But within the vast world of honey lies a unique variety boasting exceptional properties: Manuka honey. Originating from Australia, Manuka honey, particularly the MGO 850+ variety, is a potent superfood gaining recognition for its potential health benefits.

SunHighlands, a leading e-commerce platform dedicated to premium Australian products, offers this exceptional Manuka honey in a convenient 250g jar. Let's delve deeper into the world of Manuka honey MGO 850+ and explore the reasons why it deserves a place in your wellness routine.

What Makes Manuka Honey Special?

Manuka honey is produced by bees who pollinate the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), a native  Australian shrub. The nectar from these flowers imbues the honey with a unique compound called Methylglyoxal (MGO). This compound is responsible for Manuka honey's distinct properties that set it apart from regular honey.

The MGO content in Manuka honey varies depending on several factors, including the location of the Manuka bushes, weather conditions, and harvesting time. Manuka honey with an MGO rating of 850+ signifies a very high concentration of this beneficial compound, translating to potentially stronger health benefits.

The Power of MGO 850+ Manuka Honey

MGO is believed to be the primary contributor to Manuka honey's unique properties. Studies suggest that MGO possesses:

Antibacterial properties

MGO may help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection) and Helicobacter pylori (associated with stomach ulcers).

Antioxidant properties

MGO acts as a free radical scavenger, protecting cells from oxidative damage linked to chronic conditions.

Anti-inflammatory properties

 MGO may help reduce inflammation, potentially aiding in wound healing and soothing sore throats.

While research on Manuka honey is ongoing, these potential benefits make MGO 850+ Manuka honey a compelling addition to your wellness toolkit. Here are some ways you can incorporate this potent honey into your daily routine:

Immune Support

 The potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of MGO 850+ Manuka honey may contribute to a healthy immune system. Enjoy a spoonful daily or add it to warm water with lemon for a soothing sore throat remedy.

Digestive Health

Manuka honey's prebiotic properties might promote a healthy gut microbiome. Consider a spoonful after meals to aid digestion.

Wound Healing

The potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of MGO 850+ Manuka honey might support wound healing. However, consult a healthcare professional before using it for topical applications.

Natural Sweetener

 Replace refined sugar with Manuka honey MGO 850+ for a delicious and potentially beneficial way to sweeten your tea, yogurt, or smoothies.

SunHighlands Your Gateway to Pure Australian Manuka Honey MGO 850+

SunHighlands is committed to providing its customers with premium Australian products sourced directly from trusted suppliers. Their Manuka honey MGO 850+ is guaranteed to be:

100% Pure and Raw

 SunHighlands ensures their Manuka honey is unpasteurized and minimally processed, preserving its natural enzymes and beneficial properties.

Independently Tested

 Each jar is independently tested by accredited laboratories to verify the MGO content and purity of the honey. You can be confident you're getting authentic Manuka honey with a potent MGO 850+ rating.

Sustainably Sourced

SunHighlands prioritizes ethical sourcing practices that support beekeeping communities and sustainable Manuka bush ecosystems.

By purchasing Manuka honey MGO 850+ from SunHighlands, you're not only investing in your well-being but also contributing to sustainable beekeeping practices.

Beyond the Spoon Exploring Additional Uses of Manuka Honey MGO 850+

While enjoying Manuka honey MGO 850+ by the spoonful is a delicious way to reap its benefits, this potent honey offers a surprising range of applications beyond the kitchen. Here are some additional ways to incorporate this versatile superfood into your life:


 Manuka honey's potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties might make it a valuable addition to your skincare routine. Honey can help retain moisture, soothe irritation, and promote a healthy glow. Consider using Manuka honey MGO 850+ in a DIY face mask or adding a diluted teaspoon to your regular cleanser. However, remember to perform a patch test on your inner arm before applying it directly to your face.

Oral Care

 The potential antibacterial properties of Manuka honey MGO 850+ might be beneficial for oral health. Consider using a diluted honey solution as a mouthwash or adding a small amount to your toothpaste to combat bad breath and promote healthy gums.

Topical Wound Care

Studies suggest that Manuka honey might aid in wound healing due to its potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before using Manuka honey for wound care. They can advise on the appropriate application methods and ensure they align with your specific needs.

Understanding Manuka Honey Grading Systems UMF and MGO

When exploring Manuka honey, you might encounter two grading systems: UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) and MGO (Methylglyoxal). Both systems aim to assess the quality and potential benefits of Manuka honey.


 This grading system considers a combination of factors, including MGO content, antibacterial activity (non-peroxide activity), and other unique properties of Manuka honey. A higher UMF rating indicates a higher-quality Manuka honey with potentially stronger antibacterial properties.


 This system focuses solely on the measurement of Methylglyoxal content in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of honey. While MGO plays a crucial role in Manuka honey's properties, it doesn't account for all its potential benefits captured in the UMF grading.
SunHighlands prioritizes offering Manuka honey with a high MGO content (MGO 850+) to ensure a potent product. However, it's important to understand that both UMF and MGO offer valuable insights into Manuka honey quality. You can inquire with SunHighlands about the UMF rating of their MGO 850+ honey if this information is important to you.

Choosing the Right Manuka Honey

With a vast array of Manuka honey options available, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:

MGO or UMF Rating

 Consider your desired level of potency. MGO 850+ signifies a very high concentration, while a lower UMF rating might be suitable for those seeking a milder option.

Source and Purity

Ensure the Manuka honey comes from a reputable source and is guaranteed to be pure and unpasteurized to retain its beneficial properties.


High-quality Manuka honey, particularly with a high MGO or UMF rating, can be expensive. Consider your budget and desired level of potency when making your selection.

By understanding the different aspects of Manuka honey MGO 850+, you can make an informed decision and experience the potential health benefits this remarkable superfood offers. SunHighlands, with its commitment to quality and responsible sourcing, provides a trusted platform to embark on your Manuka honey journey.


Manuka honey MGO 850+ is a potent superfood with a unique blend of potential health benefits. From supporting a healthy immune system to promoting gut health, this exceptional honey offers a natural approach to wellness. SunHighlands provides a convenient and reliable platform to experience the power of pure Australian Manuka honey MGO 850+. Embrace the goodness of nature and elevate your well-being with this remarkable gift from the hive.
