Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: you only need the basic Saw I tool

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To harvest Mopane, you only need the basic Saw I tool. There are no special upgrades or additional tools required, making it straightforward to gather this resource early in the game.

Harvesting Mopane
Tools Required

To harvest Mopane, you only need the basic Saw I tool. There are no special upgrades or additional tools required, making it straightforward to gather this resource early in the game.

Harvesting Process

Approach the Tree: Once you’ve located a Mopane tree, approach it and prepare to Skull and Bones Items start the harvesting process.

Initiate the Mini-Game: Press the appropriate button when prompted to begin the harvesting mini-game. This will involve a quick-time event where you need to complete certain actions to successfully collect Mopane.

Aim for Green Zones: During the mini-game, aim for the green zones to maximize your Mopane yield. Hitting the yellow zones will still provide Mopane, but the quantity will be less.

Return and Repeat: Mopane trees regenerate after a few minutes of real-world time. After harvesting, you can return to the area later to gather more Mopane.

Crafting Mopane Planks
Mopane Plank Overview

Mopane Planks are refined versions of Mopane wood, used in various crafting recipes and upgrades. To craft Mopane Planks, you need to Skull and bones items for sale online process Mopane wood at a refinery.
