5 tips to grow a perfect handlebar moustache

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Do you want to sport a majestic handlebar moustache? If yes, then in this blog I will share 5 tips to grow a perfect handlebar moustache.

A perfect W-shaped handlebar moustache enhances the look of gentlemen. It gives a man majestic and luscious look. From an ordinary person to celebrities, handlebar moustaches are quite popular. Growing and maintaining handlebar moustaches is not an easy task. It needs proper care and proper grooming.

Don't worry I will give you 5 tips which may help you to sport an awesome handlebar.


1. Shampooing regularly:


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Washing the moustache and beard time to time is very necessary. It will rinse off all the dirt and dead skin cells and clean your skin beneath the moustache. Never use any soap or face wash to wash your beard. Always use a good gentle shampoo which has natural ingredients. If you have dry moustache hair then wash the moustache two times a week and oily hair people can wash the moustache 3-4 times a week.


2. Oiling regularly:


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Regular oiling hydrates the skin beneath the moustache which will remove all the flakiness and dryness from the skin under the moustache hair. Oiling the hair provides shine and make your overall look of moustaches healthier.

Always go for natural oils like virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil, almond oil. These oils are very good for the hair and loaded with the nutrients that hair requires. You can oil your beard 3-4 times a week.


3. Patience:


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If you have just started to grow a moustache then you should have some patience because growing out moustache takes time. You should wait for at least 2 months then you can expect the results. Don't cut any hair, I know some hair would not be in the desired shape and could make your looks messy. But, after the desire time Hair will start to take the shape.


4. Styling:


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If your hair has taken a good length then you can start to style them. Styling in proper shape is very necessary as hair will start to acquire the desired shape. Also, the styling makes the new hair to grow in the desired shape if we regularly style them.

For twirling the moustache, you can blow-dry the hair after your shower. You can also use any hair styling wax and properly style them. But keep in mind that products can make the hair condition worse, so always use natural alternatives.


5. Nutrition:


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 Nutrition plays a significant role in growing out healthy moustache and beard. A good amount of proteins, carbohydrates, omega 3, etc are the daily requirements if you want to grow a healthier handlebar moustache. You can also take multivitamins to provide all the required essential vitamins to your hair. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables so that your body remains hydrated and promotes good moustache hair.


Here are the tips that can help you in moustache growing journey and you can definitely sport a good handlebar moustache.

