Wouldn't it be just amazing if you would wake up each morning with a smile on your face, excited for what the day has to offer? But sadly, you sometimes wake up with a throbbing headache or a cramp in your leg or just have a bad mood overall. Fret not, everything has a solution. By making tiny lifestyle changes, you could bring many mood-boosting benefits.
Here are a few tips that are sure to help you live your best life:
- Exercise thrice a week : Exercise not only helps people lose weight but also lowers the risk of some diseases. Working out regularly lowers a person's risk of developing some diseases, including high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes. In addition to the physical benefits, working out bring with it some mental benefits as well. It is a foolproof way to boost mood, and is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression effectively.
- Get enough sleep : Sleep is extremely important for regulating the central nervous system and cognitive function. Sleeping directly affects the immune system , that is the reason why those who sleep less than five hours are 4.5 times more likely to have a cold than those who sleep for seven hours per night. If you have had a poor sleep the previous night, a good 20-minute nap during the day can help with restoring physical as well as cognitive function, it can also help alleviate your stress.
- Eat raw vegetables : Including raw foods, specifically vegetables and fruits, into your diet can have numerous health benefits. You will likely have more energy, better skin and a better mood once you get used to eating raw food. Raw veggies are proven to be helpful to reduce feelings of depression.
- Wake up earlier : An early start to your day can really set you into that productive mood. It gives you a chance to do more with your day and check a lot more things off your to-do list. Early risers are less prone to stress and have a lot more mental health benefits. Waking up early can be difficult sometimes, so take baby steps. Wake up 15 minutes earlier than the previous day. Follow this schedule till you reach your desired wake-up time.
- Get some fresh air : Getting some fresh air has more benefits that you think. Fresh air helps in the process of digestion, it improves your blood pressure and heart rate. It strengthens your immune system, cleans your lungs and clears your mind. Fresh air helps to stimulate both the physical being and the emotional being, it has the capability to revitalize your emotions, even if you've had a bad day.
- Drink plenty of water : Drinking water helps improve the overall memory and mood. It can help you lead a healthy lifestyle by reducing sugar cravings and helps maintain a healthy weight. Drinking a good amount of water is also said to reduce headaches and migraines. It also helps you improve your skin complexion and flushes out toxins from your body. Drinking a good amount of water helps to will ensure to eliminate fatigue, it helps you thing well and boosts your focus nd concentration.
- Eat Healthy : Eating too much of unhealthy food can cause everything from weight gain to increased blood pressure to diabetes, all of which have direct and on your mood. To avoid this, you could prepare most of your meals at home and minimize the use of processed food while doing so. Avoid sugary, carbonated drinks, eat smaller meals more often, eat raw fruits and vegetables. Sitting down and making a meal plan will help you decide what your diet must look like.
- Do not skip your morning meal : It is sid that you have to eat your breakfast like a king. A good breakfast is essential for a good day. Breakfast is the most important meal of your day, people who skip their breakfast are more likely to have clogged arteries. Skipping your morning meal is also linked to other harmful habits which can lead to hypertension, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol etc.
- Cut down on the screen time : Cutting down on the use of phones, laptops etc. is a way to boost your mood. It may sound impossible to do, but it surely isn't. Reducing your screen time helps to improve your posture, cut down on your stress, fix your insomnia, boost your self-confidence, and make you more focused, and creative!
- Meditate : I know we all are guilty to have dozed off when meditating at some point in our lives. But it is amazing how research backs the health benefits linked with meditation. It’s extremely simple to start with popular apps like Headspace and Calm.com, so do not be intimidated by it, go ahead and see how much it can positively affect your mood.