How to Build Your First Web App with Ruby on Rails

UseAllot Edtor
17 Min Read

Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is a robust and elegant web application framework that has revolutionized the way developers build web applications. It was first introduced in 2004 by David Heinemeier Hansson and has since become one of the most popular frameworks for building dynamic, database-driven websites. Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which separates the logic of an application into three interconnected components, making it easier to manage and scale.

Rails is built on the Ruby programming language, known for its simplicity and readability. This makes it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers who want to create high-quality web applications quickly and efficiently. One of the standout features of Rails is its adherence to the principle of “convention over configuration,” which means that developers can rely on sensible defaults rather than spending time configuring every aspect of their application manually.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of building your first web app using Ruby on Rails. Whether you are new to programming or have experience with other frameworks, this article will provide you with all the tools and knowledge you need to create a fully functional web application from scratch.

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Why Choose Ruby on Rails?

Before diving into the technical aspects of building a web app with Ruby on Rails, it’s important to understand why this framework stands out among others. Rails offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice for developers worldwide:

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1. Rapid Development

Rails is designed to accelerate the development process. Its vast ecosystem of gems (libraries) allows developers to add functionalities without reinventing the wheel. For instance, authentication, payment processing, and file uploads can be implemented with minimal effort thanks to pre-built gems like Devise, Stripe, and CarrierWave.

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The framework’s emphasis on DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles ensures that code duplication is minimized, leading to cleaner and more maintainable codebases. Additionally, Rails’ scaffolding feature automates the generation of models, views, and controllers, allowing developers to focus on customizing functionality rather than setting up boilerplate code.

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2. Convention Over Configuration

Rails eliminates much of the boilerplate code typically associated with setting up a project. By following established conventions, developers can focus more on writing business logic rather than configuring files. This approach reduces the likelihood of errors and speeds up development time significantly.

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For example, naming conventions in Rails ensure that database tables, model classes, and controller actions are automatically linked without requiring explicit mappings. This reduces the cognitive load on developers and streamlines the development workflow.

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3. Strong Community Support

The Rails community is one of the most active and supportive in the software development world. With thousands of contributors and a wealth of online resources, finding solutions to common problems is straightforward. Additionally, the official documentation is thorough and regularly updated, ensuring that developers always have access to accurate information.

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The availability of open-source gems further enhances Rails’ appeal. These gems cover a wide range of functionalities, from user authentication to API integrations, enabling developers to extend their applications with minimal effort.

4. Scalability

Contrary to some misconceptions, Rails is highly scalable. Many well-known companies, including Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify, have built their platforms using Rails. These organizations handle millions of users daily, proving that Rails can grow alongside your application’s needs.

Rails achieves scalability through features like background job processing (via Active Job), caching mechanisms, and support for distributed databases. Developers can also leverage cloud services like AWS or Heroku to deploy and scale their Rails applications seamlessly.

5. Security Features

Security is a top priority when developing any web application, and Rails takes this seriously. The framework includes built-in protections against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Developers can also leverage additional security measures provided by gems to further fortify their apps.

For instance, Rails automatically escapes HTML content to prevent XSS attacks, and its CSRF protection ensures that malicious requests cannot be forged. Furthermore, tools like Brakeman can be used to scan Rails applications for potential security vulnerabilities.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you begin building your web app, you must set up a proper development environment. This involves installing Ruby, Rails, and other essential tools required for smooth operation.

Installing Ruby

To get started, ensure that you have Ruby installed on your machine. You can check if Ruby is already installed by running the following command in your terminal:

ruby -v

If Ruby is not installed, download it from the official website or use a version manager like rbenv or RVM to install it. Version managers allow you to switch between different Ruby versions easily, which is particularly useful when working on multiple projects.

Using rbenv

  1. Install rbenv:
    brew install rbenv
  2. Initialize rbenv in your shell:
    rbenv init
  3. Install the desired Ruby version:
    rbenv install 3.2.2
  4. Set the global Ruby version:
    rbenv global 3.2.2

Installing Rails

Once Ruby is installed, you can proceed to install Rails. Use the following command:

gem install rails

After installation, verify the version of Rails by running:

rails -v

Database Setup

Rails works seamlessly with various databases, but PostgreSQL is the most commonly used option due to its reliability and performance. Install PostgreSQL on your system and configure it according to your operating system’s guidelines. Alternatively, SQLite can be used for smaller projects during the initial stages of development.

Installing PostgreSQL on macOS

  1. Use Homebrew to install PostgreSQL:
    brew install postgresql
  2. Start the PostgreSQL service:
    brew services start postgresql

Configuring Database Connections

Edit the config/database.yml file to specify your database credentials. For example:

default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
pool: <%= ENV.fetch(“RAILS_MAX_THREADS”) { 5 } %>
username: your_username
password: your_password
<<: *default
database: my_first_app_development

Text Editor or IDE

Choose a text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that suits your preferences. Popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and RubyMine. Ensure that your editor supports syntax highlighting for Ruby and provides plugins for enhanced productivity.

Recommended Extensions for VS Code

  • Ruby Extension Pack
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Debugger for Chrome

Creating Your First Rails Application

With your environment ready, it’s time to create your first Rails application. Follow these steps carefully to ensure everything is set up correctly.

Step 1: Generate a New Rails Project

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to store your project. Run the following command to generate a new Rails application:

rails new my_first_app

Replace my_first_app with the desired name of your project. This command creates a new folder containing all the necessary files and directories for your Rails app.

Customizing the Rails Template

You can customize the default Rails template by passing additional flags. For example, to skip the default test suite and use PostgreSQL as the database:

rails new my_first_app –skip-test –database=postgresql

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

Change into the newly created project directory:

cd my_first_app

Step 3: Start the Rails Server

To see your application in action, start the Rails server by executing:

rails server

By default, the server runs on port 3000. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to view the welcome page.

Understanding the Rails Directory Structure

A Rails application follows a specific directory structure that organizes code logically. Familiarizing yourself with this structure is crucial for efficient development.

app/ Directory

The app/ directory contains the core components of your application, including models, views, controllers, helpers, and assets. Each subdirectory serves a distinct purpose:

  • models/ : Defines the data structure and business logic.
  • views/ : Contains templates for rendering HTML pages.
  • controllers/ : Handles user requests and interacts with models and views.

Example: Creating a Model

Generate a new model using the Rails generator:

rails generate model Article title:string body:text published_at:datetime

This command creates a migration file and a corresponding model class.

config/ Directory

The config/ directory houses configuration files that control how the application behaves. Key files include:

  • routes.rb : Maps URLs to controller actions.
  • database.yml : Configures database connections.
  • application.rb : Sets global configurations.

Defining Routes

Define RESTful routes in config/routes.rb:

resources :articles

This single line generates routes for creating, reading, updating, and deleting articles.

db/ Directory

The db/ directory manages database-related tasks. It includes migration files, schema definitions, and seed data scripts.

Running Migrations

Apply migrations to update the database schema:

rails db:migrate

test/ Directory

Testing is integral to Rails development. The test/ directory contains unit tests, integration tests, and fixtures to validate your application’s functionality.

Writing a Unit Test

Create a test case for the Article model:

require ‘test_helper’
class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test “should not save article without title” do
article =
assert_not, “Saved the article without a title”

Building Core Features of Your Web App

Now that you understand the basics of Rails, let’s delve into creating meaningful features for your web app. We’ll cover user authentication, CRUD operations, and integrating third-party APIs.

Implementing User Authentication

User authentication ensures that only authorized individuals can access certain parts of your application. The Devise gem simplifies this process.

Step 1: Add Devise to Your Gemfile

Open your Gemfile and add the following line:

gem ‘devise’

Then run:

bundle install

Step 2: Install Devise

Generate the necessary files by running:

rails generate devise:install

Step 3: Create a User Model

Create a model for managing users:

rails generate devise User

Run migrations to update the database:

rails db:migrate

Step 4: Protect Routes

Restrict access to sensitive routes by adding authentication checks in your controllers:

before_action :authenticate_user!

Performing CRUD Operations

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations form the backbone of most web applications. Rails makes implementing these functionalities straightforward.

Step 1: Generate a Scaffold

Scaffolding automates the creation of models, views, and controllers. For example, to create a blog post feature:

rails generate scaffold Post title:string content:text

Step 2: Run Migrations

Update the database schema:

rails db:migrate

Step 3: Define Routes

Ensure that routes are properly defined in config/routes.rb. For instance:

resources :posts

Integrating Third-Party APIs

Enhance your app’s capabilities by connecting it to external services. For example, integrate Stripe for payment processing or Twilio for sending SMS notifications.

Step 1: Add API Gems

Include relevant gems in your Gemfile, such as stripe or twilio-ruby.

Step 2: Configure API Keys

Store API keys securely using environment variables or encrypted credentials.

Step 3: Implement API Calls

Write methods in your controllers or services to interact with the APIs.

Advanced Topics in Ruby on Rails

As you gain confidence in building basic features, explore advanced topics to take your skills to the next level.

Background Jobs with Active Job

Active Job allows you to perform tasks asynchronously, improving performance. Use Sidekiq or Delayed Job as adapters.

Real-Time Features with Action Cable

Action Cable enables real-time communication, perfect for chat applications or live updates.

Testing Best Practices

Write comprehensive tests using RSpec or MiniTest to catch bugs early and maintain code quality.


When developing web applications, accessibility should never be overlooked. Ensure that your app adheres to WCAG guidelines by incorporating semantic HTML, ARIA roles, and keyboard navigation support.

How to

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for building your first web app with Ruby on Rails. Follow each section meticulously to achieve success.


Building a web app with Ruby on Rails is an exciting journey that combines creativity with technical expertise. By leveraging Rails’ powerful features and adhering to best practices, you can create scalable, secure, and user-friendly applications.

FAQ’s with Answers

  1. What is Ruby on Rails?
    • Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby that emphasizes convention over configuration.
  2. Is Ruby on Rails still relevant?
    • Yes, Rails remains widely used due to its efficiency, scalability, and strong community support.
  3. How do I install Rails?
    • Use the command gem install rails after installing Ruby.
  4. Can I use Rails for large-scale applications?
    • Absolutely! Companies like GitHub and Shopify prove Rails’ scalability.
  5. What databases does Rails support?
    • Rails supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and more.
  6. How do I deploy a Rails app?
    • Use platforms like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean for deployment.
  7. What is scaffolding in Rails?
    • Scaffolding generates models, views, and controllers automatically.
  8. How do I test my Rails app?
    • Use testing frameworks like RSpec or MiniTest.
  9. What are gems in Rails?
    • Gems are libraries that extend Rails’ functionality.
  10. How do I secure my Rails app?
    • Follow security best practices, such as sanitizing inputs and using HTTPS.
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